It's official, Lola has lost her very first tooth!! She is so excited. The tooth fairy left her 4 quarters! She worked on that thing allllll night long to ensure that the tooth fairy (TF) would come that night. I had to tell her that the TF had a time limit of 11pm. If the tooth was not out by 11 then the TF would come the following night. Guess when the darn thing was finally able to be extracted? 10:50pm!! Argh! So the "tooth fairy" had to wait for Lola to go to sleep, make sure she was SOUND asleep before she could wrestle the PLASTIC BAG she put her tooth in from under her pillow. Note to mother from TF "NEVER let her put the tooth in a plastic bag again! Do you know how extremely loud that is?!" Nevertheless the TF was successful and left her 4 shiny quarters. Bryce was very upset that the TF didn't come for him. I told him that he didn't have any loose teeth. Later that day I saw him with a screwdriver. I took it away and said "what on earth are you doing with this?" Bryce proceeded to tell me "I want to loosen my tooth so the tooth fairy will come for me" LOL
I'm the mother of the little people. I am divorced and single and thoroughly have my hands full with Lola 5 and Bryce 3. I lived in NYC for 10 years before giving birth to Lola. I moved to sunny Sunnyvale, CA and haven't left.... yet. I made the transition from an Actress who travelled extensively to a new mother and wife. Life has made some big changes for me since then and adapting hasn't been easy. The kids are my everything and as they are growing older life is getting to be much more fun.
This is so cute! I love the picture of Lola showing Bryce where she lost her tooth! And good luck keeping those screwdrivers away!