Oh what fun it is to be home for 2 weeks solid with your children 24/7! Wait, did I say that?? =) We had a wonderful Christmas just the three of us and I learned that my children know much more then I gave them credit for. Lola is in Kindergarten and is obsessed with learning and doing her "homework". This would include, writing her name, letters, etc. She is very independant and head strong (putting it lightly). Bryce is so curious it has been the cause of some rather UN-natural disasters in my home. More of those stories to come. The problem is he does them out of good nature. He is trying to help mommy get ready in the morning so he decides to cook her scrambled eggs on the stove!!!!! Did I mention he is 3?? Like I said, good natured trouble.
I have received some rather interesting questions from the little people lately and I would like to share....
Lola: "Why do I blink?"
Me: "Ummm because if you don't then your eyes will fall out"
I thought that would satisfy her but a few minutes later I saw her blinking so fast that she almost ran into the wall.
Me: "What are you doing?"
Lola: "I don't want my eyes to fall out if I blink too slow"
Me: (laughing) "don't worry, you won't ever blink too slow"
Lola: "ok, promise?!!!"
Bryce: "Why do I have bones in my hands?"
Me: "Well we have bones in our body because...."
Bryce: (Interrupting) "No, mom, not in my body. Why are they in my hands?"
Me: "Umm so we can pick up things"
Bryce: "Oh, cool"
Lola: "Do all spaceships come from Mexico?"
Me: (laughing) "What??" (Lola repeats her question) Me: (still laughing, rolling off of the couch, hugging her, tears pouring out and some snorting may have occurred) "I don't think so, why do you ask?"
Lola: "I don't know, E.T. comes from space, isn't that Mexico?"
Me: (Snorting is definitely happening in between gasps for air) "No sweetie, Mexico isn't space"
**I think she acquaited Mexico with space because she's been obsessed with the Road Atlas lately and I've been showing her the different states. I had explained to her the the United States was a country and Canada and Mexico are also countries but different from us. We were watching E.T. and I said his spaceship left him here and that he was from outside of our country. She must have thought that meant that space was the next country over, ie. Mexico. LOL How funny how they put things together.
I'm cooking in the kitchen and chopping up some onions to throw in while the kids watched a movie. Bryce walked up to me and said with tears streaming down his face...
Bryce: "Mommy, my eyes are melting"
Me: (Spitting out the water I was drinking) "No sweetie they aren't melting, they are just crying from the onions"
Bryce: "But no mommy, they ARE melting. I'm happy, not crying!"
**I dried off his tears and he exclaimed "They aren't melting anymore!"
I try to be prepared but as you can see it's still surprising what comes out of their mouth. Too cute!
I have received some rather interesting questions from the little people lately and I would like to share....
Lola: "Why do I blink?"
Me: "Ummm because if you don't then your eyes will fall out"
I thought that would satisfy her but a few minutes later I saw her blinking so fast that she almost ran into the wall.
Me: "What are you doing?"
Lola: "I don't want my eyes to fall out if I blink too slow"
Me: (laughing) "don't worry, you won't ever blink too slow"
Lola: "ok, promise?!!!"
Bryce: "Why do I have bones in my hands?"
Me: "Well we have bones in our body because...."
Bryce: (Interrupting) "No, mom, not in my body. Why are they in my hands?"
Me: "Umm so we can pick up things"
Bryce: "Oh, cool"
Lola: "Do all spaceships come from Mexico?"
Me: (laughing) "What??" (Lola repeats her question) Me: (still laughing, rolling off of the couch, hugging her, tears pouring out and some snorting may have occurred) "I don't think so, why do you ask?"
Lola: "I don't know, E.T. comes from space, isn't that Mexico?"
Me: (Snorting is definitely happening in between gasps for air) "No sweetie, Mexico isn't space"
**I think she acquaited Mexico with space because she's been obsessed with the Road Atlas lately and I've been showing her the different states. I had explained to her the the United States was a country and Canada and Mexico are also countries but different from us. We were watching E.T. and I said his spaceship left him here and that he was from outside of our country. She must have thought that meant that space was the next country over, ie. Mexico. LOL How funny how they put things together.
I'm cooking in the kitchen and chopping up some onions to throw in while the kids watched a movie. Bryce walked up to me and said with tears streaming down his face...
Bryce: "Mommy, my eyes are melting"
Me: (Spitting out the water I was drinking) "No sweetie they aren't melting, they are just crying from the onions"
Bryce: "But no mommy, they ARE melting. I'm happy, not crying!"
**I dried off his tears and he exclaimed "They aren't melting anymore!"
I try to be prepared but as you can see it's still surprising what comes out of their mouth. Too cute!
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