One rainy sunday morning we were all getting ready for church. I had the kids ready to go and on the couch watching cartoons while I took a fast shower. Upon exiting said shower time I heard Lola yell at bryce and then all the lights go out in the house. I run out to the hallway and see bryce against the other side of the hallway laid out on the ground not moving with his eyes wide open. I run to him and see his pupils are dilated and he is in shock, I start asking him questions but all he can do is shake his head. I now see the light socket and a melted fork and a black finger. Put it all together and he had electrocuted himself so badly it blew him against the other side of the wall. I got up and moved him to the couch and needed to get the lights on. I go to my flashlight and realize that bryce had taken the batteries out of course and still in my towel I hold my cell phone up to the breaker so I can see. Bryce starts crying and I am thinking I need to take him to urgent care but I am not dressed nor am I ready for 911 "company"! I call the maintenance man who says it will take him an hour to get to my house to fix the breaker and get the lights on. Poor Bryce can't stop crying and shaking at this point and Lola is just mad we are clearly not attending church today. But "Jesus will be sad" she says, I reply "He will understand!" An hour later all had been restored and Bryce, I hope, finally learned his lesson.