Monday, April 27, 2009
Not so "Spring" Break
Open House

Lola was so proud to have us at open house. I met her friends and saw her desk. She took me around to the different stations they have in their classroom and then showed me around her school. It was amazing to see her so confident and in control of her surroundings. Her teacher, Mrs. Alvarado, is amazing. I just love her. I couldn't have asked for a better teacher.
An Introduction to the Theatre
As all of you know my first love and passion is theatre. I have been waiting for the day to share this with my children either by watching a show with them or them see me perform. My friend's daughter,Breonnie, was performing in "The Wiz" at her middle school and I immediately snatched up tickets. We went and I sat them in the front row and for the next 2 hours they didn't move a bit. Bryce was absolutely enamored. This little boy opened the show singing Somewhere over the Rainbow in english and spanish and Bryce said, "wow mommy" and lola said "cool" , I was bawling and it wasn't even 2 minutes into the whole show. It was so special to share this world with them and they loved it. Breonnie was Dorothy and Bryce kept calling her his princess. It was SO cute. Lola loved the tinman and still likes to talk through her mouth like he did before he gets some oil.
Now the next step is for me to perform and for them to watch their own mother. How amazing. Stay tuned.... I'll let you know!
Now the next step is for me to perform and for them to watch their own mother. How amazing. Stay tuned.... I'll let you know!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

One rainy sunday morning we were all getting ready for church. I had the kids ready to go and on the couch watching cartoons while I took a fast shower. Upon exiting said shower time I heard Lola yell at bryce and then all the lights go out in the house. I run out to the hallway and see bryce against the other side of the hallway laid out on the ground not moving with his eyes wide open. I run to him and see his pupils are dilated and he is in shock, I start asking him questions but all he can do is shake his head. I now see the light socket and a melted fork and a black finger. Put it all together and he had electrocuted himself so badly it blew him against the other side of the wall. I got up and moved him to the couch and needed to get the lights on. I go to my flashlight and realize that bryce had taken the batteries out of course and still in my towel I hold my cell phone up to the breaker so I can see. Bryce starts crying and I am thinking I need to take him to urgent care but I am not dressed nor am I ready for 911 "company"! I call the maintenance man who says it will take him an hour to get to my house to fix the breaker and get the lights on. Poor Bryce can't stop crying and shaking at this point and Lola is just mad we are clearly not attending church today. But "Jesus will be sad" she says, I reply "He will understand!" An hour later all had been restored and Bryce, I hope, finally learned his lesson.
Lil' Mama - Big Hitter

Yes it's true, my lil mama is playing softball!! A girl after my own heart! She is playing great and we love her coaches. There is no score and all girls get to hit. (Mom, have I told you how patient you must have been with 5 kids in these kinds of sports?!?!) Lola attended a softball camp by the university girls team and she had a blast. Her games are on tuesday nights and saturday mornings! Anyone is welcome to come cheer them on!
Uncle Gaby baby's visit
Sockphone Idol
I hear the kids singing songs and then laughing hysterically from their room after we had finished our finger painting and bath. Lola is teaching Bryce a new song from school and he is making up his own words! I sneak down the hall to peek in on what they are doing and this is what I see. They transformed the top bunk into a stage and made microphones out of socks!! I said what is this "Sockphone Idol??" I love that both of them are so creative, it warms my soul.

Rain Rain go away....
What do you do with 2 little people when it is raining outside and play space inside is limited?! FINGER PAINT! I found these awesome finger paints on clearance and decided to let them try it. As you can see they used just about every inch of paper and every inch of their body! 

You DON'T drink from this cup

I was in the dollar store with the kids to get just a couple of things and since it was St. Patty's Day coming up I decided to let them each get one thing. I paid no attention to what they grabbed. however I realize that now I should have. Bryce said he wanted a truck, no problem. Lola said she wanted a whistle in a cup, again, no problem. We go through the check out and as I remember it now the man did look at me funny as he was ringing up the "whistle in a cup". Lola exclaimed it was hers and he handed it to her. Fast forward to home and they start playing with their respective new toys. Lola asks me to detach the whistle from the cup. "How odd" I say as I removed the string from the small glass. She goes and fills up the glass with water and as she tips her head back to drink it I gasp. "Bring me that whistle in a cup!" I dig out the packaging in the garbage and as I suspected my 5 year old daughter bought a whistle and shot glass drinking game. NO wonder the man at the register thought I was coo coo! I told her that I had to confiscate the "cup" but she could keep the whistle! Next year please note: Do NOT let said daughter buy a drinking game which may include any whistles or shot glasses!
"My girls"
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
You drink from a cup!
So Mr. Bryce has been having some issues with running to the bathroom every 3-5 minutes and having accidents. This has led to a Dr. visit and some tests. We were in the Dr's office where they requested Bryce to pee in a cup for them. He couldn't do it in the bathroom so we let him try to give the sample in the room. The first sample he had the elephant out and the walnuts in which didn't work! The next sample he looked up too fast and peed all over me and then finally got it right. Sure I could have helped him but I don't do Bryce below the waist. As he gets older he will SO be on his own so why not teach him that now! lol Fast forward to later in the afternoon at home. Bryce exclaims he has to go poddy so I yell ruuuuunnnnn! I turn around and continue what I'm doing and next thing I know I see Bryce coming out of the kitchen pulling up his pants from around his ankles! I said "oh no honey, did you have an accident?" His reply "Nope! I went pee in the cup and put it in the sink" OH NO he didn't!! I looked in the kitchen sink and sure enough there was his sample in his curious george cup sitting in the sink. I grabbed the bleach and washed down my whole kitchen!! He's crazy!!!
Lola's new look...
What a surprise...
Lola has a friend named Taylor who isn't much into the girly stuff. She loves to ride skateboards and play football. Now that's my kind of girl! Taylor received a present for Christmas that wasn't so much her style and she thought it was right up lola's ally. boy was she right! Here is Lola's
I'm gonna wash that boy right outta my.....
We are all sitting down to eat dinner and Bryce finds he has dribbled the tiniest of tiny spots on his shirt. I told him to go get a little towel to dry it because he freaks out when he's dirty. NOT my kid! A few minutes have gone by and I find bryce doing this as I come into my kitchen. "what are you doing!?" his reply "my muscle shirt is dirty" It had a TINY spot on it! I said "you don't have to wash it right now and besides I do the laundry around here!" As you can see he has already changed his whole outfit! 

A few minutes go by and I come back in the kitchen and this is what I see. He has lifted the lid and started the washing machine!! He is literally about to fall in head first. I said "I told you to stop washing!" His reply "I want to wear my muscle shirt tomorrow!" I told him I would do it!
5 minutes later this is what I see as I round the corner. He has managed to get completely wedged between the washer and dryer. I almost left him there I was so tired of chasing him around! For the record I did help him and almost literally tied him to his bed! And... yes he did have a clean muscle shirt the next day!

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